Set against the backdrop of the breathtaking Llandudno coastline, this exceptional residence is a harmonious blend of modern sophistication and natural beauty. Just moments from the iconic Llandudno Beach, this home captures the essence of coastal...
A spacious double volume entrance hall leads up to the opulent main level incorporating a stylish open plan kitchen with Smeg appliances which seamlessly flows into a lounge and dining area surrounded by fully retractable glass doors which merge...
Step into a world of possibilities with this charming yet dated home, a hidden gem awaiting your vision. Nestled on a cul-de-sac very close to the serene ocean and the pristine white sands of the famous Llandudno beach, this property offers a unique...
An absolutely glorious home which showcases the best of the Atlantic Seaboard coastline. Set high on the mountain slope this home commands a panoramic view of the Atlantic Ocean and Twelve Apostles Mountain Range.
A sleek contemporary indoor...